Purely Essential

The Purely Essential flower bouquet is a simple yet elegant arrangement of flowers. Simply put and beautifully designed, these arrangements are sure to bring a smile to, not only our flower lover faces, but also to the room.

With this Purely Essential Flower Bouquet subscription, your first delivery includes a complimentary 7 inch handcrafted vase to show off your StemmZ.

Seasonally Festive

These festive beauties are designed with the best seasonal stems from the garden. Enjoy all the warmth and festivities that surround your arrangement. With this Seasonally Festive Flower Bouquet Subscription, your first delivery includes a 7 inch handcrafted vase to show off your StemmZ.

The Seasonally Festive Flower Bouquet includes beautiful and vibrant arrangements that feature a variety of flowers and foliage that are typically in season during the current time of year. This bouquet is perfect for adding a touch of seasonal cheer to any home or office space.


Elegantly Timeless
Dressed to impress, these luxurious Elegantly Timeless Bouquets are definitely the showstoppers of the night, and guaranteed to fulfill all of your wildest floral dreams.
With this Elegantly Timeless Subscription, your first delivery will include a 10 inch handcrafted vase show off your StemmZ.  

About our Stylish Bouquets collection

Our Stylish Bouquets are consisted of various stems mixed together to created one of our beautiful arrangements. Offered in two different sizes & 3 different various, visit our subscription page for more details.